Feature Matrix#





Desktop application

Support for Windows 10, Linux Ubuntu 20.04 and MacOS 10.14 or later.


User is informed, when a new version is available.


Adapt custom Gestaltor persistent settings in the preferences.

Adaptive windowing system

Change window layout and visible widgets.

Drag & drop or double clicking

Drag & drop glTF files into Gestaltor from the filesystem or open them by just double clicking them.

Store glTF or glb

Any glTF can be stored in glTF or glb as the delivery option.

Sample asset included

The visual editor comes with a sample scene including punctual lights.

Sophisticated input system

Input is possible via keyboard, mouse and tablet.

Recent file list

Gestaltor is managing the recent file list of opened glTF.

Support of latest glTF extensions

















KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness (Archived)

KHR_animation_pointer (Draft)

KHR_audio (Draft)

3D Commerce certified

Official 3D Commerce certification by the Khronos Group.

Export To USDZ

Export the current glTF file to USDZ.


Choose desired background for rendering

Background color can be changed or the used environment.

Choose desired background blurriness

Background environment map can be visualized with a defined blurriness value.

Custom image based lighting

Turn on and off image based lighting. Add own environment for lighting plus tweak intensity and front face.

Custom exposure value

Specified exposure value is applied in a postprocessing step.

ACES tone mapping

Different ACES Filmic Tone Mapping algorithms can be applied in a postprocessing step.

100% glTF features

All glTF 2.0 features are used and unknown glTF properties are not lost.

Viewport user interaction

Orbit rotating, panning, zooming and flight mode camera. Orthographic and perspective view.

Viewport grid and origin axes

A viewport grid and origin axes help to estimate distances and support spatial orientation.

Orientation Gizmo

An orientation gizmo that allows the positioning of the viewport along the principale axes for precise editing.

Create renderings from the command line

A command line interface that allows rendering glTFs. Supported file formats: PNG and JPEG. Specify a scene, glTF camera or custom camera, resolution, background color and IBL map. Render one or multiple animation(s) in full length or for a specific number of frames at any frame rate.

Viewport resolution presets

Set the viewport to the aspect ratios of various smartphones and tablets.

Display Bounding Boxes in the Viewport

Display the bounding box of meshes in the viewport.

Display Joints in the Viewport

Display the joints of a skin in the viewport.

Skinning and Morphing

Support for complex assets consisting of a high number of morph targets/joints/weights including texcoord and color morph target attributes.


Viewport picking

Highlight and select the glTF primitive by viewport picking. Selected object is highlighted by outlines.

All glTF properties exposed

All glTF properties are visuall exposed 1:1 in the inspector.

Node information with decorations icons

Preview in the hierachy widget, which glTF objctes like a camera or light are attached to the node.

Show and hide nodes and meshes

Hide and unhide glTF elements global or local to better inspect your glTF.

Shaded/wireframe mode for meshes and primitives

Inspect the structure of meshes to understand their complexity by showing them in wireframe mode.

Material debug views

Inspect individual contributions of material properties to better understand the overall efffect (e.g. Clearcoat, iridescence thickness).

Turn on/off rendering of extensions

Turn off extensions to get a visual preview for renderers without support for the respective extension.

Create screenshots from your rendering

Create screenshot from current view, which can be stored either as a PNG or JPEG.

Turn on/off skinning and morphing

Skinning and morphing can be switched on/off.


Edit using the GUI or the rendering viewport

Edit directly in the GUI or switch to the dedicated editor mode of the viewport.

Undo and redo

Undo and/or redo your latest changes inside glTF.

Typical copy, paste, add and remove functionality

Gestaltor provides typcial functions known from other DCC tools.

Import images/textures

Import png, jpg, ktx2, tga, and bmp images to enhance the scene with new materials and required textures.

Import scenes

Import 3ds, dxf, obj, ply, fbx, stl and x3d files.

Import PBR materials

Import PBR images to a glTF 2.0 material. The tool is converting the stored PBR information by analyzing the file names.

Visualization of lights and cameras

Lights and cameras are visualized in the viewport for improved editing of hidden objects.

Generate camera from current view

Generate and use a glTF camera from your current view.

Change Animation target

Existing animations can be used with different nodes or none at all.

Generate mesh tangents

Mesh tangents can be generated.

Generate index buffers

An index buffer can be generated by identifying similar vertices.

Change a node transform’s storage mode

Store a node’s transform as TRS components or as a matrix.

Store all compatible node transforms as matrix or TRS

Store all compatible node transforms as TRS components or as a matrix.

Remove all instances of a specific extension

Remove all instances of an extension in the whole glTF via the menu bar.

Generate thickness map

Generate a KHR_materials_volume thickness map for a primitive.

Delete mesh primitives

Remove specific primitives from a glTF mesh.

Viewport translate, rotate and scale in local space

Toggle between local and global space for viewport transform controls.

Apply KHR_texture_transform to all textures

A KHR_texture_transform can be applied to multiple textures for convenience.

Edit rotations using euler angles

Inspector allows to toggle between quaternion and Euler representation of rotation.

Generate basic Animation

Generate animations like movements or rotations.

Generate basic Meshes

Generate meshes like spheres, cubes, planes, discs and tori.

Modify textures by integrating external tools

Edit textures with your preferred tool and inspect modifications directly in the viewport.

Convert specular-glossiness to metallic-roughness

Convert specular-glossiness material properties (archived extension) to metallic-roughness properties.

Edit glTF asset properties

Edit field for copyright in glTF asset properties.

Edit morph target weights

Edit morph target weights of meshes manually.

Create empty Scene

Start with an empty scene and import or create all relevant assets.

Copy and paste color values in Inspector

Allows to copy/paste color values in Inspector in multiple formats.

Generate texture coordinates

User can generate/replace texture coordinate attributes.

Import JSON LD files

Import JSON LD files as xmp packets.


Remove Attributes of a Primitive

Attributes of a Primitive like Normals, Tangents, Color, and TexCoord can be deleted.

Reduce the number of triangles and vertices.

The number of vertices can be reduced by merging vertices by distance. By using a Quadric-based mesh simplification, the number of triangles can be reduced with minimal decline in quality.

Compress mesh and its primitives

Compress the primitives using the Draco compression. Quality can be adapted in the preferences menu. Changes are visible in the viewport.

Change image size and image type

Convert between PNG, JPG and KTX2 or resize the images to optimize file size vs. quality.

Change image storage format

Image data can be stored inside the glTF, in one binary buffer or in separate image files.

Change KTX2 compression and supercompression scheme

Convert between different KTX2 compression and supercompression schemes that are supported by the glTF specification.

Optimize animations

Optimize file size of animated assets by automatically detecting and removing redundant keyframes.

Store minified glTF file

Reduce the file size of glTFs by storing an optimized JSON file.

Automatic glTF clean up

Removes automatically unused glTF objects.

Automatically compress or uncompress all meshes.

Each mesh can be either stored compressed or uncompressed individually. For convenience, this can be done for all meshes in the scene at once.

Automatically set storage format of images and accessors

Images and binary data can be stored either inside the glTF or in an external file. This feature allows to easily set the storage type.

glTF data statistics

Gather glTF file size during your optimization steps.

Automatically delete unused texcoord attributes

Unused texture coordinates are detected and removed.

Automatically reduce polygon count of the primitives

Cluster vertices and/or decimate mesh.

Automatically remove sparse accessors

Sparse accessors are converted to non sparse accessors and removed.

Automatically remove empty nodes

Empty nodes are removed automatically.

Automatically remove all names

Remove names to reduce file size or obfuscate the asset.

Automatically convert specular-glossiness to metallic-roughness

Convert all specular-glossiness material properties (archived extension) to metallic-roughness properties.

Save statistics as CSV

Save the statistic widget data as CSV file.

Delete all animations

Clear the asset from all animations.

Display extents of geometry

The mesh inspector displays extents and min / max values of its primitives combined.

Split primitives into several meshes

Split primitives of a mesh to each become their own separate mesh.

Apply Transform

Apply the node transform (rotation, translation, scale) to the geometry data of a mesh.


Merging multiple glTF

Merge partially one or more glTF into one glTF.

glTF creation

Create new glTF elements like nodes in the scene.

New visual arrangement

Transform glTF nodes with their meshes, camers and lights within the viewport.