… Create a 3D Commerce Compliant Environment#

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Viewport and set ‘MSAA’ to ‘Disabled’, ‘IBL resolution limit’ to 256. Set ‘Background color’ to white (#FFFFFF) in Viewport settings.

  1. If the MSAA setting was changed restart Gestaltor

  2. Download the Neutral.hdr file from here

  3. Load the downloaded HDR file into Gestaltor and select it

  4. In Viewport Settings disable the Show Background option


Once you have performed the steps outlined above, you are able to create certification screenshots. This can be done either in Gestaltor via the Render functionality or via CLI. The certification models can be downloaded from this repository.

To create a screenshot in Gestaltor, load a model select the Render Mode and the desired gltf camera. Now create a screenshot with the Render functionality and use 1024 pixel as width and height.

To create a screenshot via CLI use the following command:

Gestaltor.exe -i <path to model> -o <path to save location> --height 1024 --camera <camera to select> --ibl <path>/Neutral.hdr --clearcolor #FFFFFFFF